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About US

Dedicated To Serve

We have dedicated our lives to serving others in whatever way we can. We work in various avenues in multiple countries where there is opportunity to help, comfort, love, teach, and impact the lives of those who are suffering. We do not have a center (or a house for that matter), but work on the streets, in homeless shelters, in prisons, in hospitals, in youth detention centers, in slums, communities, parishes, with victims of conflict and wherever there is need in the real world. We are currently all working full-time, all day, every day (and sometimes nights) to carry out this work.

Deep Heart

We are an officially registered,  501c3 public charity with decades of experience, numerous recommendations and an expansive reach touching tens of thousands of lives each year. 

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How We Help

"Whatever you do for these brothers of mine, even the least of them, this you do for Me"
-Jesus Of Nazer

Matthew 25:35

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A Recent Letter From An Incarcerated Individual

Good Morning. I know that you guys are probably on the road doing what you all do best, giving people real hope. I just wanted to let you know how things are going with me. Since watching your videos and reading your magazines, and especially after hearing from you, I have made a big change in my life in so short a time. I have been drug-free for over six months and I don’t have the urge to get high. I left all my negative vices in the past and began a journey of positiveness. The people I converse with tell me I am different. I am trying to be the type of person you all have successfully become. I feel better about myself now and I have the urge to now live. I guess you say how has your videos accomplished so much in so short a time. Well, it is simply that you all seem to really care. You all don’t do this for a paycheck, or for to glorified. We don’t have that here in the belly of the beast. So it is truly an inspiration to have normal people like you all who really do what you do because you care.

And the great thing about it all is that you don’t try to shove the Bible down a person’s throat or try to use Christianity to force a person to change. You come with real life experiences. And like your name says, you all come from deep in the heart. I thank you for it and pray that I can become an inspiration for some one else because of you. Thank you for the songs you all sing in your videos, thank you for the history lessons, and thank you for the feeling of family. I wish you and all your family the greatest of blessings. Thank you and God bless you. I don’t think you guys are aware of how much you touch the heart of men like myself who once thought that suicide would be my only way out. But you all made me see that I am somebody. I can make a change. That God does still love me despite my wrongs. I even told my mother about you all and she is so thankful that you gave me a reason to live. I truly thank you and pray that God will bless you all in the greatest way.

James J. 

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